Friday, June 14, 2013

CBC : Six Word Memoir

The following is a part of Chennai Bloggers Club Six word memoir tag where one runs a quick rewind on his/her life and comes up with a simple yet totipotent sentence having just six words that reflects on his/her journey

After much deliberation, I come up with this, something that I firmly believe in.

A choosy pessimist with perennial optimism

I thank Sriram Acharya for passing the baton on to me. Sriram blogs here and calls himself a "A Son, a brother, a friend, a HR professional , a science aficionado. In their respective order of importance !"

I now pass on the journey to dear friend Vid who blogs here. Vid is an amazing singer, I vouch for that. In fact, her dad is a great singer too. You should definitely hear her sing classical music. What a mesmerizing voice the girl has. I also like her blog's theme and design. She calls it the Pensieve, I am sure she was inspired by Dumbledore using it. But why don't you check out for yourself?


  1. Isn't it contradictory? But then, life itself is full of contradictions, so I guess your memoir is realistic :)

    Destination Infinity

  2. Thanks Rajesh :) Yep, I wanted to bring in that contradiction ! That's why

  3. Good one da !! Be purposefully Positive :)

  4. colourfula your language

  5. Ha, you seem a contradiction of sorts... but neat phrasing, may your perennial optimism spread cheer and joy in its path.

  6. A bundle of contradictions and colour, I reckon. Loved this one.

    Joy always,
